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Writer's pictureMichelle Zunich

A Revolutionary Social Media Content Strategy You Need to Know

March 17th, 2024|Marketing, Social Media

If you've been scratching your head wondering, "How can I talk about my product or service on social media without feeling like a pushy salesperson?" then you're in the right place. This blog will outline a simple yet effective social media content strategy that'll help you sell your offer in a way that feels natural, not sleazy.

What is a Social Media Content Strategy?

Alright, let's break it down. A social media content strategy is like your roadmap for navigating the different content you will be posting across your social media platforms. It's all about planning and organizing the content you share on your social media platforms in a way that connects with your audience, boosts brand awareness, and ultimately, drives those sweet conversions and helps you achieve those business goals of yours. Simply put, building a content strategy is the planning, creation, and implementation of content on the social media platforms of your choice.

What Should a Social Media Content Strategy Include?

  •  Understand your audience: First things first, you have to know who you're talking to. Dive deep into understanding your target audience - their preferences, pain points, desires, interests, and the transformation they seek. Really get into their minds, as you want to use their language and things they can connect with in your content. 

  •  What’s the story you want to tell?: Every brand has a story, and yours is no different. Figure out the narrative you want to weave through your content - it could be about your journey, your values, or the problem your services or products solve.

  •  Know the history of your content’s performance by doing an audit: At least once a quarter, take a look through your past content. What worked? What didn't? Learning from your content's past successes and failures is key to refining your strategy.

  •  Determine goals & objectives: Set clear objectives for your social media efforts. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales, having goals in place will keep you focused and allow you to map out a plan of how you plan to achieve those goals. 

  •  Perform competitive research: Spy on your competitors (in a totally non-creepy way, of course). See what they're up to on social media, what's working for them, and where you can swoop in and bridge a gap.

  •  Map out your funnel: Visualize the journey your audience takes from discovery to conversion. Understanding this funnel will help you tailor your content to guide them seamlessly through each stage.

  •  Create a content calendar and map to topics: Get organized by creating a content calendar. Plan out your posts in advance and align them with relevant topics that resonate with your audience. You can then schedule your posts in advance which will help with consistency. The best social media post scheduler and social media content management system in my opinion is Metricool, post scheduler free. Its drag-and-drop feature makes planning and organizing your content that much simpler. 

  •  Plan out where and when you will distribute the content: Decide when and where you'll share your content for maximum impact. Create a posting schedule for the different social media platforms you will be using. 

  •  Continuous analysis of content performance: Don't just set it and forget it. Keep a close eye on how your content is performing. Analyze the data, and tweak your strategy accordingly, to ensure that your efforts are working toward helping you achieve your goals. 

he Revolutionary Social Media Content Strategy

Alright, disclaimer time - this strategy only works if you know your audience inside and out, and if you truly believe in the power of what you're offering. Let's dive in.

For each offer you have, start by listing out 3-5 transformations your clients will experience. Think about the outcomes they'll achieve and how their lives will be better because of your product or service, get specific. 

Now, take each of these transformations and turn them into 5 different types of content. That's right, 5 posts for each transformation. 

Here's an example of a Wellness Coach offering a group coaching program to help women achieve optimal health from the inside out. 

1. Problem Aware: Identify the pain points your audience is experiencing related to each transformation. 

EXAMPLE: “If you wake up every morning feeling so tired you need a nap halfway through the day, this post is for you.”

2. Solution Aware: Showcase your product or service as the solution to their problems. Highlight the benefits and advantages they'll gain by choosing you, and make it clear that you've got what they need to solve their issues. 

EXAMPLE: “Steal my energizing secrets that transformed my mornings and banished the need for a midday nap.”

3. Brand Building: Share your own experiences with the very thing you help your clients/customers achieve. 

EXAMPLE: “I went from taking 3-hour naps during the middle of the day to being able to make it through the entire day on my eight hours of sleep” 

4. Educational: Offer valuable insights, tips, and resources that educate your audience on how they can achieve the transformation themselves. 

EXAMPLE: “Tired of being tired? Here’s how you can sustain all-day energy.”

5. Values: Connect with your audience on a deeper level by sharing content that aligns with your values and beliefs. 

EXAMPLE: “Why I believe in natural sources rather than relying on energy drinks to get you through your day.”

A well-crafted social media content strategy can work wonders for your brand. By understanding your audience, telling your story, and consistently delivering content that helps and supports your audience, you'll build trust, drive engagement, and ultimately, boost your bottom line.

 It may be worth considering the benefits of hiring the expertise of a content creation agency or social media content creation agency to streamline and elevate your efforts. These specialized agencies bring a wealth of knowledge and resources to the table, offering tailored solutions for your brand's unique needs. From creating content to managing distribution and engagement, content production agencies can handle the nitty-gritty details of your social media content strategy, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. With their skills in content creation and digital marketing, a reputable social media content agency can help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your goals with precision and efficiency. Social media & Java offers full-service social media management and strategy, you can review services and packages here. 

Want to learn how to create a content funnel for your social media that includes content for each stage of the consumer journey?

Get access to The Content Blueprint for FREE and get 20 content ideas for each stage of the consumer journey. Click here and grab your FREE copy of the Content Blueprint! 

Michelle Zunich

Social Media & Java, Co

Social Media Managment Services

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